Important information about reporting a breach
Before you proceed with the reporting of the violation, we ask you to carefully consider once again whether the notification is really about the violation of the rights of the European Union. In accordance with the EU directive on the protection of persons reporting violations of European Union law, our whistleblowing system is intended for use in cases where there is a reasonable suspicion of violation of regulations in the following areas: public procurement; financial services, products and markets and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing; product safety and compliance; transport safety; environmental protection; radiation protection and nuclear safety; food and feed safety, animal health and animal welfare; public health; consumer protection; protection of privacy and personal data and security of network and information systems; violations harming the European Union's financial interests; violations related to the internal market, including violations of competition and state aid regulations and violations of corporate income tax regulations.
If your message concerns issues that are not covered by the EU directive, such as labour disputes, please contact the relevant department.
We also remind you that knowingly giving incorrect information is a serious violation that may result in internal disciplinary and/or legal consequences according to applicable criminal or administrative procedures.
If you are sure that your report is about a serious violation that meets the above criteria, please proceed with reporting.
For more information about our whistleblowing policy, please visit the following link: